Time For Families Davis County

Child Care Center & Preschool

Child Care  Center & Preschool

Time For Families Davis County is a child care center and preschool. Our staff is dedicated to helping every child in their care with the emotional, social and physical growth they experience. The Head Teachers have their CDA’s (Child Development Associates Certificates) or are in the final stages of receiving them.

Specific Qualifications

Specific Qualifications

Our teachers and staff have specific qualifications for the ages they teach. Our teachers attend classes to earn their CEU certification. We work with the State to develop specific programs to meet the needs of children and are constantly looking to improve the classes and skills of the teachers so they may help the children entrusted in their care. LEARN MORE

Increasing Child's Curiosity

Increasing Child’s Curiosity

We strive for an environment that is optimal for child growth. We look for ways to encourage the child’s curiosity and partner with parents to undertake the responsibility to develop skills, social skills, and increase of imagination.

Our Programs

Our Programs

We believe that every child is precious and deserving of the best care, education, and quality of time given to them. Therefore, we offer programs designed for age-specific. Along the way of learning, we encourage fun and the needed hugs of the day. Enrollment / Tours